Membership Renewal or Application

Download a Form Here

Please send a signed copy or image of this page by email to , provide it at a members meeting, or post to WS Secretary c/o 2, Saddleton Grove, Saddleton road, Whitstable, CT5 4LY. 

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name (if joint) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Post Code……………………………………………………………………     Date  ………………………………………………………..

Tel Number(s) …………………………………………………..         Email address.  ………………………………….……….  

The email address enables us to send the e-newsletter and to contact you quickly to consult on important topics. Your information is protected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Membership Options

Tick your choices and pay the appropriate fee. Please add £5 postage for a newsletter to be sent outside the CT5 area.

Single membership £8……….  Joint membership £12……….  Postage £5……….  Donation £………

Method of payment     Cash………..    Cheque………..  Standing Order ………..    (details overleaf)

Bank Transfer to         HSBC      Sort Code   40-16-11        Account Number   92364778

To minimise our bank charges, please pay by Bank Transfer or Standing Order if possible.

For a new or revised Standing Order, please see Form overleaf and advise first payment date ………………………

Notes – Membership Renewals are due from 1st March annually. 

For new members joining the Society during or after the previous November, the subscription payment shall cover membership for the year commencing on the following 1st March.

Gift Aid*

Members renewing. You may stop using Gift Aid* by ticking here    …………….

New Member, please indicate in the section below if you agree to have your subscription and/or any donation treated as Gift Aid*, as this will increase the value of your payment by 25%. Note that you, or one of you in the case of joint membership, needs to be a taxpayer. The taxpayer also needs to be the person making the payment.

I / we want the Whitstable Society to treat the above membership fee and any donations I / we make from this declaration date as Gift Aid donations until I / we notify you otherwise. 

Name of the person who is eligible and making the payment, or both if you wish to make it jointly.

Name (s) ……………………………………………………………….     …………………………………………………………………………

Signature (s)  ………………………………………………………..     ………………………………………………………….

*Notes. In order to make the declaration, you must pay income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax refund that the Society reclaims from the Inland Revenue: currently about £2.25. Tax paid includes tax deducted at source from salary, pension, dividends or interest on deposits and not subsequently re-claimed. You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying the Society. If you pay tax at the higher rate, you can claim further tax relief. The postal supplement cannot be claimed as Gift Aid relief in your Self- Assessment tax return.